
Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum

Getting your business officially certified in categories such as Minority Owned or Women-Owned can unlock new opportunities for federal, state, local and corporate contracts. Let us handle the certification process to better position you for success. Here are a few highlights of the minimum requirements for certification. Please note that certification requirements and designations may vary by state.

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

  • A for-profit business located in the United States;
  • 51% owned, operated, capitalized, and controlled by a member(s) of a presumed group, who is the top executive officer responsible for managing daily operations with technical expertise (experience) in the firm’s primary business expertise;
  • Legal residents (green cards) are accepted by most MBE programs administered by a city, county, and state.

Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

  • A for-profit business located in the United States;
  • 51% owned by a woman, or a group of women who, but for an inheritance, contributed a proportionate amount of capital to acquire ownership.When applicable, the governing board is controlled by a woman or a group of women;
  • Top executive officer, responsible for daily operations is a woman with technical expertise (experience) in the firm’s primary business activity;
  • Women owners are U.S. Citizens or legal residents.
women owned business
women owned business

Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

  • A for-profit business located in the United States;
  • 51% owned by a woman, or a group of women who, but for an inheritance, contributed a proportionate amount of capital to acquire ownership.When applicable, the governing board is controlled by a woman or a group of women;
  • Top executive officer, responsible for daily operations is a woman with technical expertise (experience) in the firm’s primary business activity;
  • Women owners are U.S. Citizens or legal residents.

Small Business Enterprise (SBE)

  • Be independently owned and operated;
  • Not dominant in the field of operation;
  • Principal office located in California;
  • Owners (officers, if a corporation) domiciled in California; and,
  • Including affiliates, be either,
  • A business with 100 or fewer employees; an average annual gross receipts of $15 million or less, over the last three tax years;
  • A manufacturer* with 100 or fewer employees; or,
  • A micro business – a small business will automatically be designated as a micro-business if gross annual receipts are $5,000,000 or less; or the small business is a manufacturer with 25 or fewer employees.

Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE)

  • Applicants, by a preponderance of the evidence, must meet all requirements concerning group membership (or individual disadvantage), business size, ownership, and control as defined in the 49 C.F.R. 26 Subpart D;
  • Fifty-one percent (51%) owned, capitalized, and controlled by one or more U.S. Citizens, or a legal resident (green card), who are socially and economically disadvantaged as defined below:
  • Social Disadvantage means an individual who is a member of a presumed group or a woman;
  • Economic Disadvantage means, in general terms, excluding the primary residence and ownership in the applicant firm, a socially disadvantaged individual who does not have a personal net worth in excess of $1.32 million;
  • Be a for-profit business, located in the United States, independently owned and operated by one or more disadvantaged individuals;
  • Annual gross receipts, as defined by SBA regulations 13 CFR 121.402, averaged over the previous three years, in excess of $23.98 million;
  • The acquisition of fifty-one percent (51%) business ownership by disadvantaged individuals must be real, substantial, ongoing, beyond pro forma, as reflected in the entity’s governing and/or ownership documents;
  • A disadvantaged individual must hold the highest, executive office, be responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day business and have technical experience, in the firm’s primary business activity;

Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE)

  • Applicants, by a preponderance of the evidence, must meet all requirements concerning group membership (or individual disadvantage), business size, ownership, and control as defined in the 49 C.F.R. 26 Subpart D;
  • Fifty-one percent (51%) owned, capitalized, and controlled by one or more U.S. Citizens, or a legal resident (green card), who are socially and economically disadvantaged as defined below:
  • Social Disadvantage means an individual who is a member of a presumed group or a woman;
  • Economic Disadvantage means, in general terms, excluding the primary residence and ownership in the applicant firm, a socially disadvantaged individual who does not have a personal net worth in excess of $1.32 million;
  • Be a for-profit business, located in the United States, independently owned and operated by one or more disadvantaged individuals;
  • Annual gross receipts, as defined by SBA regulations 13 CFR 121.402, averaged over the previous three years, in excess of $23.98 million;
  • The acquisition of fifty-one percent (51%) business ownership by disadvantaged individuals must be real, substantial, ongoing, beyond pro forma, as reflected in the entity’s governing and/or ownership documents;
  • A disadvantaged individual must hold the highest, executive office, be responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day business and have technical experience, in the firm’s primary business activity;